Bondage. What is it about and what interests me? Bondage is something that can be about many things to many people. To me, it is about the gear, the power exchange, and the look of the bound boy as you’re taking away more control from him. I like the sound handcuffs make when being closed, the way the chains between shackles rattle, and the way leather creaks when tight against the body. I’ve been interested in bondage for many years. I’ve always enjoyed “tie up” games where you see who can escape the quickest as a kid. It wasn’t until later that I was able to enhance that experience with actual bondage equipment instead of basic rope. Under the Bondage Menu, you will find information about what bondage is, the equipment, and important safety tips.
Safety and Trust are very important in any bondage scene. If you do not trust the person that is putting you into bondage, even with something as “simple” as handcuffs, you should not proceed. Giving up control to someone can sometimes be a difficult thing. Take time to talk to the person first to get a feel for what they like. Discuss what may happen during the bondage session first. Safewords and other communication should also be discussed during this time. This is usually called “negotiation”. No bondage should take place until it done.