Silence is Golden. Duct Tape is Silver. There is just something fun about taping a boys mouth shut. Seeing their mouth sealed tight can be very satisfying indeed. Even the sound it makes when coming off the roll is exciting. Tape is one of the more frequently used methods of quick bondage in movies and on TV. The reality is that duct tape itself doesn’t quite silence them, though it can go a long ways toward that. The reason I usually use tape is to do mummification bondage. It is better to use tape over a plastic wrap. Duct tape on skin can hurt when removed and it can leach toxic chemicals into the skin if left for extended periods.

There are various kinds of tape with different purposes. Basic duct tape is good for wrapping over plastic wrap. Most of what you find in stores is silver or grey. If you want to have more fun with colors, there are also quite a few colors available for a little more cost. I’ve seen ACU and MARPAT colored tape as well. ACU tape can be good for binding a boy in an Army uniform. Electricians Bundling Tape, a form of vinyl tape, is great for tape gags and head wraps. It doesn’t stick to hair and skin as much, making it much safer as well. I’ve used it to cover a boy’s face, regardless of hair.

With duct tape, or any other tape, be careful about using it on skin. Most tapes leave a residue and it can be quite painful to remove from hairy skin. A good pair of nurse’s scissors should be used to cut tape close to the skin. Even without the safety aspect, choose your tape wisely. I’ve found rolls either were too sticky or weren’t sticky at all. Leaving any roll in the sun will cause problems too. As long as you keep the tape away from heat and moisture, it should stay useful for a long time to bind many boys.