One of my favorite pups, NY5UB, came by to play. He enjoys military uniforms and is fond of my straitjacket.  He had requested my NWU’s and I was happy to oblige. After he got dressed and was properly in the uniform, it was time for some fun. He was placed into my straitjacket, strapped down to my chair, and muzzled. Leg irons were also added and connected by chain to his muzzle. This ensured that he would not kick out as it would pull his head back. Careful work with my vibrator made this pup struggle greatly in the straitjacket. He thrashed around, but to no avail. All he got was hot, sweaty, and tired – still trapped in the straitjacket. I edged him for a while with my vibrator and hands, keeping him there for a nice long time. After begging me to let him cum, I did relent and allow him to do so under one condition, he would be forced to wear the funnel gag. Before he was allowed to cum, I got to make use of the puppy. With myself now relieved, it was time to relieve the puppy. He was very happy and grateful for being allowed to finally cum.

That’s a very nice funnel gag. Where did you buy it from?
I bought it locally on consignment. It is very similar to the one 665 Leather sells.