Motorcycle and Leathers

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Enjoying the leathers and motorcycle together, finally with a photo!
Finding my footing
Different angle on the boots. Love how Alpinestars boots look.
The bike, out on Angeles Crest Highway.

Had some fun in my leathers and on my motorcycle today. I took the opportunity to get photos with my new gear and motorcycle, and finally ride Angeles Crest Highway (California State 2) for the first time with my “new” motorcycle. I say “new” as, while I’ve had it since February 2019, it has 19,500 miles on it. All of those miles are in leather, so that has certainly made it more fun.

New Alpinestars Latex Suit

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Pup Sparky enjoying his new latex suit

Pup Sparky recently acquired a latex suit that looks like motorcycle leathers. This suit, from Latex Catfish, is fun to play with. Double zippers allow access in all the right places and looks very hot!

Pup ready for play!