Upon arrival to San Diego International Airport, leathergloveboy was instructed to walk to a nearby park to meet me. I was ready for him wearing a Marine uniform and had handcuffs at the ready.
MCCUU Woodland and Cuffs
We met, said hello. From that point on, things changed. I told him to turn around put his hands on top of his head, to which he complied. I then cuffed him behind his back and put him in leg irons. Now well restrained, I placed him into the car and put the seat belt on. Once I got into the car, I had one more thing for him – a spandex hood. Now hooded, cuffed, and ironed, he was ready for transport.
After a 15 minute drive from the airport, we arrived at my place. I first took his bags out of the car and brought them inside. He was next. I decided it was best for him if the hood did not come off until he was safely chained at my place. So, still in cuffs, irons, and a hood, I led this boy up the stairs and into the apartment. I already had a chain locked to the wall waiting for him attached to a collar. I didn’t remove the hood until I had him collared and chained to the wall. This was only the beginning of a long weekend of bondage for him.
Leathergloveboy – Cuffed and IronedLeathergloveboy – Hooded and Chained
After getting a sleep, I untied MummyEd and boy drew so they could get ready for the day. I chose to wear my US Army ACU MP uniform, boy drew wore an Utilikilt, and MummyEd wore more regular clothes. We headed on out, met up with Bailzibub from Scotland at Market St, and continued on to get breakfast.
After we got breakfast, we went to visit with a friend of MummyEd’s who was staying at a hotel close to Mr. S and Folsom St. There I was introduced to Dave who had an interest in braces, hooks, and other prosthetics. Using his room as a “base”, I put MummyEd into his straitjacket first. It was then time to get boy drew into his gear. I started with his straitjacket and added some belts to hold his arms back a bit more. Once he was secure, I shoved a ball gag into his mouth and locked a leather muzzle over that to further keep the boy quiet. With everyone ready to go and Graham to help, it was time to leave. I attached my leash to boy drew and off we went.
Our first stop on this bondage tour of San Francisco would be Mr. S Leather. I had a muzzle from them that was wearing out a little early and wanted to see what they would do to help me with it. We arrived just after they opened their doors at 11am. It was already pretty busy at the store, though not a surprise considering the weekend. I brought the muzzle to one of the clerks who ended up telling me they would replace the muzzle but was unable to at that time. Out of stock, oh well. We had a couple other people that were going to meet us, one to possibly join my walking group today. While waiting, someone came up to me and asked if I could wait another 20 minutes or so. I asked why and they told me they would make me a new muzzle while I waited. Very cool! Sure, I’ll wait. During that time, the others we were waiting for showed up, Rubcop from Sweden and a couple other friends of MummyEd’s. After about 20 minutes, a clerk came back holding a new muzzle. They handed it to me, then the old muzzle. They asked “Do you want us to throw out the old one or do you want to keep it?” How is that for a tough question! I told them I would keep it. Now holding two locking muzzles, both mine, I stood in a bit of a daze. Did that really just happen? Sure enough it did and I was just in a very happy state for quite some time after. What a weekend so far!
My two Mr. S Leather muzzles – New one on the right.
Our next stop on this tour would be going back to Dave’s hotel room, where Rubcop would change into his leather bondage suit. It took a while to put it on, getting the lacing and straps nice and snug in the process. It was my first experience with a bondage suit and I thoroughly enjoyed it. After the suit was nice and tight, I added a couple items of my own. I put him into locking fist mitts first. As I just acquired a brand new muzzle, it needed to get used. So, I locked the muzzle on him as well. Before we left, I added leg irons to both boy drew and Rubcop. I attached the leash to Rubcop this time, and we headed out. We then headed down 9th St toward Market so we could catch a MUNI train to the Castro. With both boy drew and Felix wearing leg irons, the walk was slow, but fun. At Mission St, there was a crew putting up a tall crane, which allowed those stuck in the ensuing traffic to watch our group walking up the street much easier. Many people also walking stopped us asking to take photos, to which we obliged. Even the crew putting the crane together was taking photos. What fun! It was at after Mission, things got took an odd turn. Apparently, someone in a van wasn’t paying attention to the roadway, but to us, and bumped into the car in front of them. We didn’t quite realize at first what exactly happened, but MummyEd said he saw the whole thing. He spoke with the two people involved a little bit. I can only imagine what the insurance company will think when they are told a witness was in a straitjacket! A short walk later, we arrived at the MUNI station, where I purchased tickets for my group. Getting the two in straitjackets through the gates was a little interesting, considering I had to swipe their tickets for them. Having two of them still wearing leg irons and bound while we were on a moving train made things a bit more work, especially where the tracks were a bit bumpy. They managed to figure out how to stay standing at least.
My group in the Castro. I’m in the Army uniform.
At Castro Station, we detrained and headed on up to the street. Once we got up to the street level, we were stopped by many people asking for photos. We loved every minute of it. As two of the bound subs weren’t connected, they were allowed to roam a little more. I still had Rubcop in the bondage suit on leash when someone stopped us for a photo. After the photo, I told him to watch out as there was someone in a straitjacket behind them. He didn;t say anything but gave me a look that I was joking. Once he turned around, he was quite surprised to find two people in straitjackets heading his way. I wasn’t kidding! We continued on to our first stop “Worn Out West”. It is a store in the Castro where you can get used gear. I didn’t have anything in mind, but you never know what you’ll find. It was fun leading someone bound around the store, with two others bound as well wandering around. As we had been walking around for a while, it was time to eat. So, after doing some shopping at that store, we headed down to “Escape From NY Pizza” for some food. It was rather fun feeding the bound boys while they were bound. We met a friend of mine there from San Diego, who then borrowed my old muzzle for his boy for the weekend.
Anything can be made kinky!
After eating, I had one more stop to make in the Castro. I wanted my “Hot Cookie”! As it is a small shop, the boys waited outside while I went in to get my cookies. It was fun to eat the cookies in front of my muzzled boys. Such cruel torture! Before we headed back to downtown and Dave’s hotel room, I took the leg irons off the boys to make the walk a little easier for them. Poor Rubcop didn’t want them removed, but he felt better when I told him that he’d be very heavily bound the next day. From there, we headed back to the MUNI, and headed to Civic Center station. As we were going to Dave’s hotel room, we went down 9th Street again, right past the crane crew again. This time was a little smoother, but just as fun. At Dave’s hotel room, I took MummyEd and boy drew out of their straitjackets, giving them a little relaxing time. I also helped Rubcop out of his bondage suit. All were tired but very happy. We had a great time on our bondage walkabout. After MummyEd and boy drew had a chance to wash up, we parted ways with Rubcop and headed back to the hotel. It was a long day, but not quite over yet. After the hotel, we headed back over to Serious Bondage for their Folsom Pre-Party. While there, another person named Mister X wanted to join our group on Sunday at Folsom. After figuring out what sort of bondage he was going to be put in, we headed back to our hotel room for a good night’s sleep. Tomorrow would be another big day.
After much planning and anticipation, Folsom weekend was finally upon us. I packed up the car and headed out. After reaching the hotel and settling in a bit, MummyEd picked me up in his van. We headed over to San Francisco International Airport to pick up boy drew, who was coming from Canada. After having some difficulty with parking, we managed to find a good and quiet spot. We met him at the baggage claim in the terminal and walked out to the car. We had set up the seat in the back, so MummyEd was our “chauffeur” for our drive to the Noe Valley area. After getting buckled in, I proceeded to put boy drew into my Peerless Model 700 handcuffs, CTS Thompson Model 7084 Blue Box, and Chicago Model 2500 Oversized Boot Cuffs. It was a nice and fairly restrictive introduction to a bondage filled weekend.
We then headed up to Noe Valley where we met the folks from Serious Bondage. A couple of them joined us for dinner, where I led boy drew in cuffs and irons down the street to the restaurant. When the people at the restaurant saw us, they weren’t that surprised. It was Folsom weekend after all! So, boy drew ate his dinner with the rest of us, him being in cuffs and irons for the duration. After dinner, we headed back to Serious Bondage where we picked up a Maxcita Psycho-X straitjacket for MummyEd to wear the next day. Well, not so much picked up as had him try one on for size. It fit quite well. As a result, it was decided he would be kept in the jacket. A hood was added for good measure; at this point he really had no choice anyway. So, with MummyEd in a straitjacket and hood, boy drew in handcuffs and leg irons, it was time to head to the hotel. We stopped by MummyEd’s car to get the rest of their gear and that is where things got just a bit more interesting. I had to get the keys to the van out of MummyEd’s pocket, which wasn’t quite so easy with him being in a straitjacket. After finding out he was a bit ticklish there, I did finally get the keys. We, or I really should say I at this point, grabbed boy drew’s three bags, MummyEd’s backpack, and his sleeping gear. I had to carry this over to the MUNI (J Line) which we were going to take back to the hotel in downtown. After putting the gear together, we all headed over to the train. Everything was going well until the train actually arrived. The doors opened, boy drew and MummyEd got on. I had to bring the bags up and make sure they got on safe. All was going alright until the doors started to close! No!!!! boy drew managed to stop the door from closing, I hurried to get the bags up, and off we went. What a start to a trip! After getting things arranged on the train, I paid our fare and headed back to my two bound subs. Oh the looks, photo requests, and questions we got made the trip that much more entertaining.
Finally reaching Powell Station, we got off the train and walked the rest of the way to the hotel. There were quite a few confused looks as we headed up Grant St toward the hotel. At the hotel itself, they didn’t seem to notice much which was amusing. After getting to the room, it was time to let them out of their bondage so they could get ready for sleep. After they were ready for bed, I put boy drew into fist mitts and bondage socks, connecting them by chain. I put MummyEd into my heavy wrist shackles and it was off to bed. Another fun day was ahead of us.