Bondagesub82 – Shackles

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After bondagesub82 was released from the straitjacket, I placed him into shackles. He slept in them that evening and was even kept in storage in my closet wearing them. Shackles are great in that you can transport the boy or place him in other locations while keeping him bound the whole time. He enjoyed wearing them just as much as the straitjacket. The next time he visits, he just might not be released from them.

Shackled and stored in my closet, just like my gear.
Shackled and stored in my closet, just like my gear.
Chastity shorts and shackles, a nice way for a boy to be kept.
Chastity shorts and shackles, a nice way for a boy to be kept.

Boys Bound Back to Back

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It isn’t often I get the opportunity to tie two boys together. So, while bondagesub82 was here, I had SquidVA come over to get tied together. Bondagesub82 was already bound in my straitjacket, still going through his 24 hours.  SquidVA was ordered to strip down to his jock and his tall boots. Each boy was muzzled and had their legs spread apart. I put them back to back, using some straps to hold them together. My favorite part was locking their muzzles together. This made playing with them a lot more fun. After I added nipple clamps to SquidVA, I began to play with bondagesub82. When he squirmed, the nipple clamps on SquidVA were pulled. A vibrator was used on each boy as well. As I used the vibrator and nipple clamps, both boys were squirming and moaning. Neither could get away and neither could do anything about what they were doing to the other boy. Having two boys bound is one thing, but having them bound together can be a form of predicament bondage. The beauty of this form they do most of the torture to themselves!

Tied together, waiting for the torture to begin
Tied together, waiting for the torture to begin
Muzzles locked together
Muzzles locked together
Vibrator working on one boy, nipple clamps on the other
Vibrator working on one boy, nipple clamps on the other
Stretched both ways, spread legs, and nipple clamps
Stretched both ways, spread legs, and nipple clamps

Bondage Challenge – 24 Hours in a Straitjacket

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My weekend bondage boy told me he was up for any challenges and wanted to be bound as much as possible. After asking some more questions, I decided he would be the first for my bondage challenge. In December of 2011, I got to wear my straitjacket for 24 hours. No release until the time was up. It was a lot of fun doing it and I learned a lot. It was time for someone else to take the challenge. So, at 11pm on Wednesday, bondagesub82 was placed into my straitjacket. He was not to be released any earlier than 11pm Thursday. His first night was fairly “easy”. We went out to PECS Bar for a bit, had a late snack at a local Mexican restaurant, and then headed home. He was diapered for the evening and chained to my bed. He was handling it fairly well so far. The next day proved to be a lot more entertaining. He ate a couple meals bound in the jacket, stayed diapered most of the time as well. Leg irons were kept on for most of the time as well. He didn’t want them off! As the day progressed, he was getting sorer around his arms. I loosened the straps for a time and then made them tighter as it got closer to his finish. For the last hour, I had him blindfolded and gagged. Every ten or so minutes, I’d tell him it was only another hour until he’d be released. Mind games are fun when your boy doesn’t have any sense of time. At the 24 hour mark, I started to release him from the jacket. I congratulated him for a job well done. What was his reward for this challenge? More bondage of course! He was placed into my five point shackles for the remainder of the evening to “relax” for a while.

The start of 24 hours of bondage.
The start of 24 hours of bondage.
Chained to the futon in the morning.
Chained to the futon in the morning.
Strapped to my bondage chair.
Strapped to my bondage chair.
Near the end, gagged and hooded.
Near the end, gagged and hooded.