Motorcycle leathers are not only fun to wear, they are also fun to use in bondage sessions. Boys that fit my gear are usually allowed to wear it. Sometimes a boy will bring his own gear. These two boys were bound in leathers with other restraints added. I tend to use steel and leather when it comes to motorcycle leathers.
TroyJr getting bound for sleep in his leathersTroyJr bound in his Alpinestars leathers and bootsMuzzled and Chained in my old AGV leathersBack of arizonabondageboy in my old AGV leathers
My first real big event was Dore in 2011. I thoroughly enjoyed myself that time. I had three chained together at first, releasing one later so he could go take photos. This time I also had LALthrBondage with me, who was very helpful in guiding me through the crowds.
Instructing the boyGagging my boy after answering a question.So many straps!Zipping the pups (Minddrive) muzzle shut.My group at Dore in 2011Full crew at Dore 2011
I wanted to try a different way to wrap a boy up. This time, I wrapped this boy’s legs, arms, and torso separately. His hands were put into balls and covered with tape. His feet were also covered, giving him a form fitting duct tape sock. Under all this was an added bonus. I had him bring his locking butt plug harness along. I plugged him and locked the harness on, then covered it with the wrapping. With all that, is was quite secure.He was quite fun to play with and tease. After a short while, I decided to make his already stiff movements even tougher. I added ankle restraints and locked a spreader bar between his ankles. Perhaps next time I’ll tie him a bit tighter and tape him down for added fun.
Boy wrapped and readyGas mask and wrappingSpreader Bar added for extra stiffnessAnkles bound with tape and restraint