Sometimes I get two boys at the same time. These two have come by a few times. Each time is a lot of fun and loaded with gear.

Bondage and Gear by Sir SD Michael
Heavy Bondage, Gear, and More!
While leathergloveboy was here, I wanted to experiment. I hadn’t put my five-point shackles on someone backward before. Why not try it out? So, I had him wear his rubber singlet, blindfolded him, and then put him into the shackles. Once in the shackles, I strapped him down to the futon, to further limit his movement. I’d say it worked quite well. I shortened some of the chain with padlock and clip, making it much tighter without putting too much pressure on the neck.
Sometimes, in the course of a long bondage session, overnight bondage is required. With little exception, boys that come to stay for a bondage weekend sleep in bondage. It does vary on how they are bound, depending on their abilities. My favorite is to have someone in a straitjacket overnight, hooded, ironed, and chained to the bed. Endurance in bondage becomes essential at this point. There will be no release until morning, at a minimum. Either way, they aren't getting up in the middle of the night. Sleep well boys!