A warrant was issued for the arrest of a fugitive, known as bondageandsocks, by the USMC Military Police at 041430UMAR22. During prior detention periods, the suspect was known to attack and bite guards as they attempted to escape. As a known security and flight risk, extra measures of restraint were authorized under the warrant. One of the subject’s friends, an informant for the USMC, contacted MP Officer SDMichael stated they were to meet at his location. Using this information, the officer met with his friend and waited for the suspect to arrive to place him under arrest. His friend was instructed to not give away my presence in any manner and to not tip off the subject as to their arrest warrant.
Upon his arrival at approximately 051420UMAR22, the subject was first greeted by the friend, offered a drink, then led into his bedroom. It was at this time I ambushed the subject and proceeded to place him in handcuffs. The subject began to resist arrest and tried to flee. The subject claimed he was innocent, and this was a case of mistaken identity. Using additional force and the threat of further charges against him, he was subdued and finally placed into handcuffs. After cuffing, the subject continued to plead innocence and became belligerent. A ball gag was them shoved into his mouth to keep him quieter and a Ripp Restraints Prisoner Transport Hood was placed over his head. Due to the nature of his prior offenses and convictions, I also placed him into leg irons to reduce the chance of escape.
Once the subject was fully restrained, I proceeded to search his clothing and his bags. During the search, it was discovered the subject was wearing a chastity device on his penis. Further questioning revealed he had been wearing it a few days so far. This would come in handy as a bargaining point later on. Finding his ID to not match, I assumed it to be fraudulent and confiscated it for further verification and processing. His remaining pockets were emptied, and all contents were bagged for review. The subject carried two bags with him which were found to contain bondage equipment. These bags were also confiscated to be used as evidence. Noting the items were intended to use on another person, I questioned the subject’s motives and warned him his actions were against his pleas of innocence.
After his clothed search, the subject was then taken to another room to be stripped for a full body search and inspection for identification purposes. Using the assistance of his “friend”, he was kept restrained for the duration of the search. Markings were identified which assisted with verification of their ID. After additional processing, the subject was then assigned a prisoner number, Prisoner 53211 and a uniform. He was assigned a high-risk prisoner uniform per guidelines set in his arrest warrant and the arresting officers policy. This uniform would consist of orange and white striped pants and shirt, white long sleeve undershirt, white socks, and orange sandals. High-security restraints were also applied at this time. Restraints consisted of Peerless M710 High-Security chain handcuffs, Cuff-Maxx High Security Transport Box, Peerless Model PSC60 belly chain, Humane Restaints Leg Irons, and a Cufflock to lock the belly chain.

Once the prisoner was made aware they no longer had a name and only were to be known by a number, they proceeded to struggle. Still gagged, their pleas of innocence were muffled. They became less compliant and were told they needed to calm down. If they did not, they would be forced to spend longer in detention and heavily restrained. So that they could begin to comprehend the severity of their situation, the prisoner was then locked in the room for a period while Officer SDMichael prepared another room for his interrogation and processed his arrest paperwork. Further review of the prisoner’s file revealed their propensity for giving false or misleading information to confuse officers and allow them to flee custody. This information would be used during their interrogation.
After a period, Prisoner 53211, still hooded and gagged following their arrest and now in their high-security restraints, was moved to another room where they were strapped down to a chair for interrogation. Their hood was temporarily removed, and an anti-spit / bite mask was applied in addition to their gag. 53211 still pleaded through their gag and struggled against their bonds. They attempted to kick the officer and even wanted to punch the officer. Accused of assaulting a military police officer and warned those charges would negate their claim of innocence, they struggled even further. They were then read the warning portion of their arrest warrant, emphasizing the authorized use of heavy restraints. Additional leather belts were applied to prevent any chance of escape and earlier belts were tightened further. They were then left alone in the dark, struggling in their bonds in a failed attempt to escape. 53211 was then informed they would be transported to another facility and per their arrest warrant, likely in a straitjacket.
After a long period of isolation, they were released from the chair and placed on the adjacent bed. Their leg irons were strapped to the end of the bed to prevent escape and were told they still had a long time before transport. Over time, they became much more compliant, realizing what trouble they were in and were forced to cooperate more fully with the arresting officer.

At approximately 1945 HRS, Prisoner53211 was placed in a Posey straitjacket for transport. Their leg irons were then removed and replaced with Humane Restraints ankle hobbles, again per policy as these prevented the wearer from running. They reduced even a walk to a slow shuffle. At 2030 HRS, the prisoner was then hooded, still wearing the anti-spit mask, now with the gag at their neck, ready to be applied as needed. They were then led into the vehicle and placed in the cargo area for transport. We then proceeded to the other facility and stopped over at EagleLA for a drink. The prisoner was then dropped off in front of the bar with the escorting officer, who proceeded to walk the prisoner into the facility. Upon entering, we settled in at which time the hood was removed and stored temporarily. Not long after, we met a few other friends and another Marine MP, Motorboot.
After a while, the prisoner became aggressive again and we were compelled to subdue him. He was taken inside the bar and placed upon the stage area where he was forced into a straitjacket hogtie. Still fighting his restraints, he was then picked up by the two MP’s and placed adjacent to anchoring points, where rope and chains were used to secure him against the wall. This kept 53211 secure while the MP’s relaxed and spoke with friends. We used every opportunity to show him how little control he had and what the consequences were for his lack of compliance with orders.
Once a sufficient amount of time had passed and 53211 was more compliant, we decided to leave EagleLA and head back to our facility. This time, the prisoner would be walked without a hood to the vehicle. As it was later in the evening and the bar was quite busy, there was a long line of customers awaiting entry. The prisoner was forced to walk past them without the hood and in full restraints, further humiliating him. Once the vehicle was reached, another individual inquired as to our situation. He was informed this prisoner was being transferred and was dangerous, hence the restraints. 53211 was then hooded in front of this person and again placed into the cargo area of the vehicle for transport.
Once we reached our destination, 53211 was led into the house, where he was given one last chance for water prior to placement into overnight storage bondage. As it was learned 53211 was also into being a “gimp” and “stored”, we chose to use some of the equipment they brought with them. The prisoner was released from their restraints, forced to put on a spandex “gimp suit”, and was placed into a leather sleepsack. A Mr. S Bishops Head Harness was applied over the hood of the gimp suit to keep him properly blindfolded and always aware of his bondage. To keep him company, his “friend” was also placed into a leather sleepsack, adjacent to him. Once both were secure, I retired to my bedroom for a much-needed rest.
Morning eventually came. After checking the paperwork, it seemed the prisoner’s claims of innocence were indeed correct. Despite this error, he was still required to serve a minimum amount of time in detention per his warrant. His actions during detention extended this period. At approximately 060900UMAR22, Prisoner 53211 was finally released from custody and allowed to leave the facility.