I spent the weekend with my husband over the weekend and drove this time. Driving offered me the opportunity to go in different gear than my motorcycle leathers. On the way back, I wore my Xterra Volt full wetsuit and shoes. It was a lot of fun and did get some looks. I changed into the wetsuit in the Arizona desert near the old Gillespie Dam and bridge, which offered some nice views as well.
Miles of desert all around.Full view, gotta get a selfie stick I think.In the car and ready to get going. Just a five hour drive ahead in a full wetsuit across a desert.
Wetsuits are a lot of fun to use and wear. I recently purchased a really nice Xterra Volt fullsuit and all the extras that go with it. I highly recommend this company as they have sales often and you can get some really good deals on wetsuits. I’ve gone out in it many times around town, usually with a pup hood. It is a lot of fun.
Full wetsuit, gloves, booties, and swim cap. All neoprene. Swim goggles are also from Xterra.Backside of the wetsuit. Love how smooth it looks.Meet Pup Roks. Woof!
Gearing up in public can be quite a thrill. No matter what gear is put on, you can be sure you’ll get questions and looks. This can be intimidating for new people and can tend to push people away from doing it in the first place. I’ve dealt with this myself, but in the long run, you shouldn’t worry about what others think. Think of it this way, if they don’t like it or think it is odd/strange, that is ok. You’re out there because you’re having fun and enjoying your gear. I’ve gone out in latex catsuits, wetsuits, motorcycle leathers, zentai suits, cycling skinsuits, and lycra tights. They are all a lot of fun to wear and be seen in. So, I strongly encourage all that have the ability to go out in their gear. You’d never know who you might find out there that is also kinky and wants to go out as well. Doing so will also help encourage others to go out in their gear, which gives us all more to watch and enjoy.