How to put on a triathlon wetsuit

I found this graphic on how to put on a triathlon wetsuit a while back and thought it was kinda kinky. I love smoothskin wetsuits. My pup and I have one, which we love to wear. So, if you want to learn how to put one on, check this out. This also applies to latex catsuits.


Well, I know it has been a while. Good things are coming soonish. I will be purchasing a Maxcita Psycho-X straitjacket in the near future, something I have wanted for a long time. I’ve never been in one before, so it will be quite the experience. I also purchased a new wetsuit recently, a Rip Curl Dawn Patrol 3/2 mm full suit. It has a chest zip and feels wonderful. Photos will be posted soon once I get some decent ones. Meanwhile, there is still plenty to read and enjoy on the site. More is cumming though…