Featured Restraint

4.6/5 - (5 votes)
Clejuso Model 8 Leg Irons
Clejuso Model 8 Leg Irons

Welcome to the Featured Restraint series! I will review various bondage gear, what I like about it, how to use it, and safety concerns about each one. It is designed to be at least partly educational as well. I believe that knowing the proper way to use bondage gear helps us all be better players. Please use the menu at the top to see what restraints have been covered.

This series was formerly known as “Restraint of the Week”, but I have modified it to be the new “Featured Restraint” series. There are plenty of topics to cover, but if you have a suggestion – send me a note!

Some of the “Featured Restraint” items are from the following stores:

JT's  Stockroom

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