Morning came and it was time for breakfast. I decided to keep socalbond in the fist mitts and bondage socks, adding a collar as well. I then chained him to the wall while I made breakfast. I decided on something simple, eggs. Unlike dinner, he ate from a plate, on the floor, with fist mitts chained together. This way, he could not eat with his hands.

With breakfast over, it was time for him to pleasure me. Using his mitted hands and his tongue, he worked my cock and nipples until I shot my load. Now satisfied, I put him into a straitjacket for the rest of his time here. At first he was put into the bondage chair for more teasing and playing with his cock. After a while of teasing and edging, I made him shoot another load of cum. I then put him on the futon to relax a while, still in the straitjacket of course. His ankles were locked together and to the futon, reducing movement but allowing him to squirm when I worked him over. I kept him in this for a couple hours until our session was over. While the second day was a bit shorter, we still had a lot of fun. It was a fairly intense session for the length and very much worth it.

lucky boy